Nadia Takhtaganova

Nadia Takhtaganova

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PhD Candidate
Biography : 

My doctoral research involves documenting the formal properties of the spatial inventory of Huasteca Nahuatl, a Uto-Aztecan language spoken in Northeastern Mexico. More generally, I am interested in evidence for the diachronic emergence of case markers and prepositions from spatial nouns in languages of the Mesoamerican Sprachbund, including Mayan languages, such as Itza', Tének, and Kaqchikel. In parallel, I am working on a cross-linguistic typology of verbal di- and tritransitive structures, as well as the morphosemantics of prepositions and case marking in Western Romance.


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Areas of Interest: 
  • Language Revitalization and Documentary Linguistics

  • Mesoamerican Sprachbund

  • Romance languages

  • Morphosyntax: minimalism, argument structure, adpositions, case, nominal morphology

  • Semantic typology: adpositions, spatial nouns, positional and posture predicates

  • Historical/Diachronic Linguistics

