Linguistics Grading Policy.pdf
For undergraduate courses, the refined letter grade scale is used:
Percent | Grade | GPA | Definition | Distribution Guidelines (for 1st/2nd-year courses with more than 40 students) |
Grade Definition | |
90-100 | A+ | 4.0 | Excellent | 15%-35% | less than 75% | Strong evidence of original thinking; good organization; capacity to analyze and synthesize; superior grasp of subject matter with sound critical evaluations; evidence of extensive knowledge base. |
85-89 | A | 4.0 | ||||
80-84 | A- | 3.7 | ||||
77-79 | B+ | 3.3 | Good | Evidence of grasp of subject matter, some evidence of critical capacity and analytic ability; reasonable understanding of relevant issues; evidence of familiarity with literature. | ||
73-76 | B | 3.0 | ||||
70-72 | B- | 2.7 | ||||
67-69 | C+ | 2.3 | Adequate | Student who is profiting from the university experience; understanding of the subject matter and ability to develop solutions to simple problems in the material. | ||
63-66 | C | 2.0 | ||||
60-62 | C- | 1.7 | ||||
57-59 | D+ | 1.3 | Marginal | Some evidence of familiarity with the subject matter and some evidence that critical and analytical skills have been developed. | ||
53-56 | D | 1.0 | ||||
50-52 | D- | 0.7 | ||||
0.49 | F | 0.0 | Inadequate | less than or equal to 10% | Little evidence of even superficial understanding of subject matter; weakness in critical and analytical skills; limited or irrelevant use of literature. |